How to Identify Bad UX Designs: A Beginner’s Guide‍

How to Identify Bad UX Designs: A Beginner’s Guide‍
Written By
August 16, 2024

UX or User Experience is of major significance, and makes or breaks the success of any business organization. Bad UX design strategy can lead to the failure of certain businesses, especially those that require smoothly running websites and applications and have major traffic on them. If your business’s website has not been creating the profits that you expected, it may be time to analyze the situation and make all the necessary changes. However, change can only come once the areas of problem have been identified. This is why this article will first give a brief description of the basics of UX design, then give the importance of good UX, and finally state all the signs pointing towards a poor UX design. 

Basics of UX Design 

First, let's establish a foundational understanding of what UX design entails. User experience design focuses on enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the user and a product. It encompasses various elements, including visual design, information architecture, interaction design, and usability.

Importance of Good UX 

UX helps attract more users and increase sales and, therefore, profits. This is why it is of such major importance. This section will elaborate on this concept. 

First Impressions Count 

Whenever we, as users, click on a website link and are met with organized menus, aesthetically pleasing colors, and just the right amount of images, we tend to explore the website even more. Many a time, we even end up purchasing from the same websites because usually, good UX also signals a good quality product. This is why creating an impressive first impression is crucial. 

Colors and Esthetics 

Chromotherapy, or color therapy, is a branch of psychology that aims to understand how colors impact a person’s physical and mental well-being. Now, UX designers are really focusing on these concepts to make websites and mobile applications more attractive. By making the correct use of colors, UX designers can create products that will attract a specific audience or target the correct demographic. 

Images Over Words 

The human brain can generally process images much faster than words. Thus, pictures, videos, and all other visuals really prolong the attention span. This increases brand engagement, website traffic, and customer retention. For example, when selling a makeup product, it will obviously be better to exhibit the various shades and colors on models’ faces instead of just providing a description of them.

Trust and Credibility

When the users and customers view a website with an impressive UX design, their gut automatically tells them to trust the brand, because that’s how the digital world has trained our minds. Trust and credibility are important components of any business, and they are the only substantial ways to build customer loyalty. 

Signs of Bad UX Designs 

1. Complex Navigation 

Confusing or convoluted navigation is a telltale sign of bad UX design. Users should be able to intuitively find what they're looking for without having to navigate through a maze of menus and links. If users struggle to locate essential features or content, it indicates poor information architecture and navigation design.

2. Cluttered Interface 

A cluttered interface takes away focus from the primary and target areas on the website. Overloaded text and too many images distract the user, which is why good UX design emphasizes simplicity and prioritizes essential elements to streamline the user's journey.

3. Inconsistent Design Patterns 

Inconsistency in colors, fonts, and layouts usually tends to mess with the user's head and decrease the quality of user experience. Inconsistencies, such as differing button styles or navigation patterns, also lead to frustration and disorientation.

4. Poor Readability and Accessibility 

The text size, font, and color are of utmost importance. If the users have to struggle because, for example, the text size is too small, they would not want to stay on the website for too long a time. This causes a loss of potential customers. Text compatibility with various types of screens on different devices should also be ensured. 

5. Lack of Feedback and Guidance 

Customers and users would like to carry out all tasks with complete efficiency and certainty. Any type of uncertainty, like unclear error messages or an absence of order confirmation texts, can create uncertainty and leave them wondering if the commands they gave were actually carried out or not. This is why a good feedback and guidance system, including tutorials and step-by-step confirmation, is a very important component of good UX designs. 

6. Slow Performance 

Slow-loading websites or sluggish responsiveness in mobile apps are major enemies of user engagement. Users do not have enough time or patience to sit and wait for the components of a website or mobile application to load. If it takes more than a few seconds, they tend to switch to another website with faster performance. 

7. Ignoring User Feedback 

Ignoring or dismissing user feedback signals a lack of empathy towards user needs and preferences. Successful UX design involves actively pressing for feedback through user testing, surveys, and analytics and then refining the design based on insights obtained from user input.


In conclusion, user experience (UX) design is not just about making things look pretty; it's about creating meaningful connections between users and products or services. Good UX can make a website or app feel like a welcoming place, encouraging users to explore and engage more deeply. On the other hand, bad UX can lead to frustration and mistrust, driving users away and potentially harming a business's success.

By understanding the basics of UX design and the importance of factors like color psychology, aesthetics, and trust-building, businesses can create experiences that resonate with their target audience and drive positive outcomes. Paying attention to signs of bad UX, such as complex navigation, cluttered interfaces, and inconsistent design patterns, can help businesses identify areas for improvement and enhance the overall user experience.

How Can Wisual Help You Improve UX Design? 

Whether you own a preexisting website or want a new one created, our team at Wisual can help you identify all the factors leading to bad UX design, remove them, and replace them with design elements that will increase traffic and make your business more profitable. 

Take a look at the services that we offer at


What is UX design, and why is it important?

UX design, or user experience design, focuses on enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the user and a product. It is important because it can make or break the success of any business organization. Bad UX design can lead to failure, especially for businesses with high website or application traffic.

How does good UX design affect user behavior?

Good UX design can attract more users, increase sales, and ultimately, increase profits. It creates a positive impression on users, encouraging them to explore further and potentially make purchases. It also builds trust and credibility, which are crucial for customer loyalty.

What can I do to improve UX design for my business?

To improve UX design, start by analyzing the current situation and identifying areas of improvement. Focus on creating a user-friendly interface with clear navigation and a visually appealing design. Consider factors like color psychology and aesthetics to attract your target audience. Additionally, prioritize feedback and guidance to ensure users can complete tasks efficiently and with certainty.